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Alexander Technique for Tai Chi Practitioners 
with Lynne Conway

Five classes:  6.30-8.30pm Wednesdays

Starts:             Wed 2 March 2022 NOTE Change in start date

Class size:      Limited to 5 persons 

Cost:               $200

Location:       School for FM Alexander Studies 330 St Georges Rd,                         Fitzroy North 


Do you want to enhance the flow, calm and grace of your tai chi movements? The Alexander Technique can help us achieve the most balanced, fluid and dynamic organisation of ourselves and take this into our tai chi practice.  We learn to embody the tai chi characteristics of movement that is circular, relaxed (Chinese term “song”), calm, continuous, with intent, and energy.  A more accurate translation of “song” is “unbound”, a state in which the body loses all unnecessary bindings, all resistances, all tension.  This is the essence of the Alexander Technique.


In this five class hands-on intensive learn to apply Alexander Technique insights to your particular tai chi practice.  


Class 1:  Finding dynamic neutral 

Class 2:  Cultivating quiet

Class 3:  Connecting the arms 

Class 4:  Connecting the legs 

Class 5:  Cultivating a free breath 


Each session will include an experiential group segment on the topic of the day followed by a practical group segment where I work one on one with each participant on an aspect of their particular tai chi style. 

Enquiries:           mobile 0411 405 232

About Lynne

My professional life has been as a research scientist and in the pharmaceutical industry.  I started Alexander lessons in 2014 and embarked on the full time teacher training a few years later.  Now I am enjoying introducing others to the Technique.  I continue to be fascinated with how the Technique fits into current thinking in neuroscience, psychology and anatomy and this interest flows into my teaching.   I have been learning tai chi since 2016 and find the Alexander Technique and tai chi approaches to be synergistic, with each enhancing the other.  

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Find & contact us

Venue One- 24 Latona Avenue, Preston, Vic, 3072

Venue Two - 369 Burnley Street, Richmond, Vic, 3121

Phone +61  403  808 013

© 2022 School for F.M. Alexander Studies.

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