Term Dates 2025
Term 1: 28 January to 17 April- 12 weeks
Term 2: 28 April to 12 June - 7 weeks
Term 3: 2 25 August to 30 October - 10 weeks
Term 4: 10 November to 18 December - 6 weeks
School Residential: 11 - 15 April
Weekend sessions
There will be a one or two day session over a weekend each term. Dates still to be notified.
Public Holidays
Labour Day: 10 March
King's Birthday 9 June
Also no class on Wednesday 16 April
Tuition Fees 2025
We are listing charges per session.Trainees will nominate and be invoiced for at least three sessions per week and the weekend sessions and residential course at the start of each term.
Mondays: 9am to 1pm - $85
Tuesdays: 9am - 1pm- $85
Wednesdays 9am -1pm - $85
Thursdays 9am - 12pm - $68
Residential Course $550
Weekend workshops - 10am - 5pm $265 or $132.50 per day
Additional annual non-fee costs which you will need to pay as an essential part of doing this course are as follows:
Food and accommodation for our annual 5 day Residential Course: $640
Required textbooks: $175
Student Membership of the Australian Society of Teachers of the Alexander Technique (AUSTAT): $105
Once trainees begin the course fees remain the same for the duration of the course - subject to inflation as measured by the CPI remaining under 5%.
If annual CPI raises above 5% fees will need to be adjusted accordingly.
If trainees take a break from the course they will pay the current fee when they rejoin the course.