Recommended Material for Students
Trainee Booklist
Trainees are required to own at a minimum the following books. Please buy Alexander's books as soon as possible as editions tend to go in and out of print and to not be available when we are using them on the course.
Alexander F.M - Man's Supreme Inheritance Mouritz, London, 1996
Alexander F.M - Universal Constant in Living Mouritz, London, 2000
Alexander F.M - Constructive Conscious Control Victor Gollancz, London, 1987
Alexander F.M - Use of the Self Orion, London, 2002
Ellson, LM & Kapit W - Anatomy Coloring Book Benjamin-Cummings, San Francisco, 2013
Weed, D - What You Think is What You Get ITM Publications 2004
Recommended Reading for Trainees
Here is a list of recommended reading for trainees. At a minimum, by the end of the course trainees should have read all titles marked with an asterisk(*). Most of these books are in the student library and can be borrowed.
Books by F.M. Alexander
*Alexander F.M - Man's Supreme Inheritance Kessinger, US, 2005
*Alexander F.M - Universal Constant in Living Mouritz, London, 2000
*Alexander F.M - Constructive Conscious Control Victor Gollancz, London, 1987
*Alexander F.M - Use of the Self Orion, London, 2001
Alexander F.M - Articles and Lectures Mouritz, London, 1995
Maisel E (ed.) - Essential Writings of F. Matthias Alexander Carol Publishing Group, NY, 1995
Other books on the Alexander Technique
Aitken, S (ed) - Paths to the Alexander Technique, HITE, UK, 2015
Armstrong J (ed) - Never Ask Why Novis, Denmark, 2001
Balk, M - Master the Art of Working Out Collins and Brown, UK, 2007
*Barlow, M & Davies, TA - An Examined Life Mornum Time Press, San Francisco, 2002
*Barlow W - Alexander Principle Orion, London, 2002
Barlow W - More Talk of Alexander Gollancz, London, 1978
*Binkley G - Expanding Self STAT Books, London, 1993
Bloch M - The Life of Frederick Matthias Alexander Little Brown, London 2004
Caplan D - Back Trouble Triad Publishing, Gainsville US 1987
Carrington W - Foundations of Human Wellbeing STAT Books, London, 1994
Carrington W - Explaining the Alexander Technique Sheildrake Press, London, 1992
*Carrington W - The Act of Living Mornum Time Press, San Francisco, 1999
*Carrington W - Thinking Aloud Mornum Time Press, San Francisco, 1994
*Carrington W A - Time to Remember Sheildrake Press, London, 1996
*Chance J - Principles of the Alexander Technique Singing Dragon, London, 2013
Chapman K & Morris K - Yoga and the Alexander Technique Self Published, Australia 2010
*Conable B - How to Learn the Alexander Technique Andover Road Press, Columbus, OH, 1995
*Dimon, T - The Use of the Hands in Teaching 2015
Dimon, T - Elements of Skill North Atlantic Books, Berkley CA, 2004
Dimon, T - Undivided Self Souvenir Press, London, 1999
Dart R - Skill and Poise STAT Books, London, 1996
Drake, J - The Alexander Technique in Everyday Life, HarperCollins Publishers Limited, 1996
*Gelb M - Body Learning Aurum Press, London, 2004
*Goldberg M - Beginning From the Beginning Marion Goldberg, Washington, DC, 1996
*Cranz G - The Chair Norton, NY, 2000
*Gounaris C (ed.) - Taking Time: Six Interviews with First Generation Teachers Novis, Denmark 2000
*de Alcantara P - Indirect Procedures Oxford University Press, New York US, 2013
*de Alcantara P - Alexander Technique: A Skill for Life, The Crowood Press, Ramsbury GB, 1999
Evans JA - F. Matthias Alexander: A Family History Phillimore, Chichester, UK, 2001
*Fischer JMO (ed.) - Philosopher's Stone: Diaries of Lessons Mouritz, London, 1998
Forsstrom B & Hampson M - Alexander Technique for Pregnancy and Childbirth, Orion, London, 1995
*Freeman, CG - Autism and Alexander Technique, Self-published, Charleston NC USA, 2014
Grennell J - Directed Activities Mouritz, London, 2002
*Pierce Jones F- Freedom to Change Mouritz, London, 1997
Heirich RJ - Voice and the Alexander Technique Mournum Time Press, Berkley, CA, 2005
*Macdonald P - As I See It Sussex Academic Press, UK 1989
Machover, I & Drake, A & J - Alexander Technique Birth Book Mouritz, London 1993
Nicholls, C - Body, Breath & Being: A new guide to the Alexander Technique D & B Publishing, UK 2008
Nicholls, C - Posture Workbook D & B Publishing, UK, 2012
Park G - Art of Changing Ashgrove Publishing, Bath GB, 2005
Shaw S - Master the Art Of Swimming ANOVA, London, 2005
Staring, J - Frederick Matthias Alexander 1869 - 1955 Integraal, Nijmegen, Netherlands
*Sontag J (ed.) - Curiosity Recaptured Mornum Time Press, San Francisco, 1996
Stevens, C - Alexander Technique: An introductory guide Vermillion, London 1997
*Tasker I - Connecting Links Sheildrake Press, London, 1978
Vineyard, M - How You Stand, How You Move, How You Live Nation Books, New York, 2007
*Weed D - What You Think Is What You Get ITM Publications Bristol, UK 2004
*Westfeldt L - F. Matthias Alexander: The Man and His Work Mouritz, London, 1998
Books on Voice
Brown WE (trans) - Vocal Wisdom: Maxims of Giovanni Battista Lamperti Literary Licensing, USA, 2013
G Green B & Gallwey T - Inner game of Music Pan MacMillan, London, 1987
Hines J (ed.) - Great Singers on Great Singing Hal Leonard Corp, NY, 2004
Linklater K - Freeing your Natural Voice Nick Hern Books, London, 2006
McCallion M - Voice Book Taylor & Francis, London, 1999
Newham P - Using Voice and Theatre In Therapy Jessica Kingsley Publishers, London, 2000
Newham P - Singing Cure Random House, 1994
Thurma L & Welch G (ed.) - Bodymind and Voice Voice Care Network, USA, 1997
Books on Vision
Huxley A - The Art of Seeing Creative Arts Book Company, USA, 1982
Hackett Clara A - Better Vision Now Dover Publications Inc, USA 2006 New
Goodrich J - Natural Vision Improvement Ten Speed Press, USA, 1988
Lieberman J - Take Of Your Glasses and See Random House, USA, 1996
Quackenbush T - Relearning to See: Improve you Eyesight – Naturally!North Atlantic Books, USA, 2000
Bates William H - Better Eyesight without Glasses Henry Holt & Company Inc, NY USA, 1989
Anatomy Texts
There is no definitive anatomy text for the course. Most of these books are in our library available for reference at the school. You may also wish to purchase several for your personal library for continuing reference.
At present we are structuring some of the anatomy course around two video presentations. You may wish to own one or both of these videos.
Basmajian, JV - Grant's Method of Anatomy William & Watkins Co, Baltimore, USA, 1975
Calais-Germain, B - Anatomy of Movement Princeton Book Co, Pennington, US, 2008
*Deane, J - Job's Body: A Handbook for Bodywork Station Hill, USA, 2003
Dimon, T - Anatomy of the Moving Body North Atlantic Books, Berkley CA 2008
Edwards A, Imwold D & Parker J (ed) - Human Body Atlas Five Mile Press, Sydney 2002
*Ellson, LM & Kapit, W - The Anatomy Coloring Book (4th Edition) Pearson, Essex, 2013
Gordon, JE - Structures or Why Things Don't Fall Down Penguin, London, GB, 1991
*Gorman, D - Body Movable Vancouver, 1981
Grant, JCB - Grant's Atlas Of Anatomy William & Watkins Co, Baltimore, USA, 1972
Gray, H - Gray's Anatomy Crown Publishers, NY, 1978
Jacob, SW and Francone, CA - Structure And Function in Man WB Saunders Co, Philadelphia, 1970
Kapandji, IA - Physiology of the Joints Elselvier Health Sciences, London, 2008
*Keleman, S- Emotional Anatomy Center Press
Martini, FH - Fundamentals of Anatomy & Physiology 6th edition Benjamin Cummings, San Francisco 2004
Martini FH & Welch K - Applications Manual (to accompany the above book) Benjamin Cummings, San Francisco 2004
McRae, R - Clinical Orthopaedic Examination Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, 1976
Myers, TW - Anatomy Trains: Myofascial Meridians for Manual and Movement Therapists Edition 3, 2013
*Rolf, I Rolfing: Re-establishing the Natural Alignment and Structural Integration of the Human Body for Vitality and Well-Being Inner Traditions Bear and Co, Rochester, US, 1999
Schuenke, M et al - Thieme Atlas of Anatomy: General Anatomy and Musculoskeletal System Thieme Medical Publishers Inc, NY, 2010
*Schultz, RL & Feitis R - The Endless Web: Fascial Anatomy & Physical Reality North Atlantic Books, Berkley CA, 1996
Stone, RA & JA - Atlas of Skeletal Muscles Wm C Brown, USA, 1997
*Todd, ME -Thinking Body Princeton Book Co, US, 1980
Turner, JS - Tinkerer's Accomplace: How Design Emerges from Life Itself Harvard University Press, USA 2007
The rapid development of this area of study in recent years has started to move generally accepted scientific opinion to an acceptance of the reality of neuroplasticity on which the practice of the Alexander Technique is based.
*Schwartz, JM - Mind and the Brain: Neuroplasticity and the Power of Mental Force HarperCollins, NY, 2004
*Doidge, N - Brain That Changes Itself Penguin, London, GB, 2008
*Blakeslee, S & Blakeslee, M - Body Has A Mind of its Own Random House, NY, 2008
Kandel, ER - In Search of Memory: The Emergence of a New Science of Mind WW Norton& Co, NY, 2007
Other Books
Bandler R & Grinder J - Reframing Real People Press, Moab, Utah, 1989
Bandler R & Grindler J - Trance-formations Real People Press, Moab, Utah, 1981
Bandler R & Grindler J - Structure of Magic Vol 1 Science and Behaviour Press, USA, 1990
*Burns, D - Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy Avon Books, 2000
*Dewey, J - Human Nature and Conduct, 2012
Gelb, M - Present Yourself Jalmar Press, Carson, CA, 1988
Hannah T - Body of Life Alfred N Knopf, NY, 197922222
*Herrigal E - Zen in the Art of Archery Penguin/Arkana, London, 1985
Holt J - How Children Learn Penguin, UK, 1970
Holt J - How Children Fail Dell Publishing, NY, 1964
Huxley, A - Ends and Means Greenwood Publishing Group, Westport, CT, USA, 1970
Keleman S - Embodying Experience Center Press, Berkley, 1987
Kogan G (ed.) - Your Body Works: A Guide to Health Energy and Balance And/Or Press, Berkeley 1980
*Langer EJ - The Power of Mindful Learning De Capo Press, Cambridge, MA/US, 1998
Lankton S - Practical Magic Meta Publications, Cupertino, CA 1980
Lowen A - Bioenergetics Penguin, UK, 1976
Lowen A - Language of the Body Collier Books, NY, 1971
Miller BS (trans) - Yoga: the Discipline of Freedom: Yoga Sutra of Patanjali Bantam, NY, 1998
McGill S - Low Back Disorders Human Kinetics, Champaign, 2007
O'Connor J - Principles of NLP Jessica Kinsgley Publishers, London, 2013
O'Connor J & Seymour J - Training With NLP Thorsons, London, 1994
Business and Marketing
Other Resources
Alexander Technique Journals:
Direction Journal
The Alexander Journal
Conscious Control
Other Journals
Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies Churchill Livingstone
Internet Resources - Alexander Technique
Armstrong, J - Various Articles
*Barstow, M - Aphorisms
*Fawcett, C - Steadicam Posture
*Murdock, R - Born To Sing
Alexander Technique podcasts
Other Internet Resources
Focal Dystonia: A Musician's Resource