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Payment Policy

Payment Policies for Local Students
Payment Policies fro Overseas Students

Payment Policies for Overseas Students


  1. Students will pay a $600 non-refundable application fee once their application has been accepted and they have notified the school of their acceptance of the terms of the contract with the school. This fee is non-refundable if a student is accepted but does not commence the course. It will be refunded if a student fails to gain a student visa or when the student commences the course.

  2. For the first term (study period), 50% of the course fees are payable on the first day of the course. The remaining 50% of the fees are payable two weeks prior to the start of the second term.

  3. For the remaining terms, term fees will be paid in arrears at the end of the third, sixth and ninth week of each term.

  4. The tuition fees must be paid in the form of a bank draft, cash or telegraphic transfer or EFTPOS. Students wishing to pay by credit card will need to pay an extra 1.5%.

  5. All bank charges relating to transfer of funds to the School are the responsibility of the student or intending student, and can vary from $5 to $20 depending on banking arrangements between a student's bank and the School's bank.

If a telegraphic transfer method of payment is used, a copy of the Bank Confirmation containing all details of the transaction must be emailed or posted to the School after the transaction is completed, so that the School can identify the payment.

Refund Policy


The school does not accept fees paid prior to the student commencing the course.

The school will provide a full refund for any fees which may be paid in advance for which study is not undertaken for whatever reason, including the schools inability to provide the course as advertised, or withdrawal from the course.

The following non-fee income will be refunded under the following conditions:

  1. Residential fees for food, accommodation and transport, provided notice is given of non-attendance 4 weeks prior to the commencement of the residential course.

  2. Application fee, provided that the student either commences the course on the due date, or fails to gain a student visa for Australia.

  3. Homestay fees and accommodation booking fees, provided at least two weeks notice is given by the student.

  4. Airport pick-up fees, provided at least 24 hours notice is given by the student to cancel this service prior to the flight arrival.

  5. Payment for text books if the school is unable to promptly provide the text book(s) ordered by the student.

  6. Regarding Compulsory Health Insurance, the school does not deal with this, and the student will need to refer to their OSHC provider.

Refunds under the above conditions will be paid in full to the student within 14 days.

The School may arrange for another course, or part of a course, to be provided to students at no (extra) cost to the student as an alternative to refunding course money. Where the student agrees to this arrangement, the School will not be liable to refund the money owed for the original enrollment.

School Enrollment & Refund Agreement

In making a contract to enroll in a course(s) at the College, the Applicant acknowledges:

  1. That the information provided by the Applicant in their application is complete and correct.

  2. Agrees to be bound by the College rules and regulations and any amendments made to the rules and regulations.

  3. Agrees to undertake a testing requirement prior to any course entry, if deemed necessary by the school.

  4. Agrees to observe student visa requirements.

  5. Agrees to pay all fees required on or before the due date, as notified in writing by the College, or as per the invoice. A penalty of $50 per week applies for late payment.

  6. College will access these fees in accordance with the procedures established by the current regulatory authorities.

  7. Changes or variations to this contract attract a $25 administrative fee.

  8. College reserves the right to accept or reject any application for enrollment at its discretion.

  9. College reserves the right to cancel any course prior to the commencement date of the course, should it deem it necessary, and in that event, shall refund all payments received from the Applicant.

  10. Refunds are made in accordance with the policy below, and full refunds of amounts owed to the student will be made within 14 days.

NOTE: All applications for refunds must be made in writing, and submitted to the Student Administration Manager by Registered mail, Courier or personal delivery as soon as practicable.

Prospective students who are overseas should contact Student Administration.

  • The School reserves the right to withhold granting the Award attained by the student, if student fees remain outstanding.

  • The Refund policy applies equally to all students, including students who have Permanent Residency or Australian Citizenship.**

  • This agreement, and the availability of complaints and appeals processes, does not remove your right to take action under Australia's consumer protection laws.

  • The School's dispute resolution processes do not circumscribe the student's right to pursue other legal remedies.

  • Please contact us if you wish to appeal the Refund Policy.

  • Any information that you provide to the School, or that the School collects about you, can be given to authorised State and Commonwealth Agencies and ESOS Assurance Fund Manager.

** Except Visa refused prior to course commencement

Refund Policy

English Language Requirements


Participating in the course requires a minimum proficiency in English. The school will require evidence of your proficiency. Evidence required will include one of the following:

  • An minimum score in IELTS Academic English of 5.5

  • Documentary evidence that you have completed at least one year of study in a tertiary education course delivered in the English language.

Language Requirements
Find & contact us

Venue One- 24 Latona Avenue, Preston, Vic, 3072

Venue Two - 369 Burnley Street, Richmond, Vic, 3121

Phone +61  403  808 013

© 2022 School for F.M. Alexander Studies.

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